My Year To Thrive

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." ~Maya Angelou

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ZEN PENCILS » 160. EDGAR ALBERT GUEST: It couldn’t be done

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ZEN PENCILS » 160. EDGAR ALBERT GUEST: It couldn’t be done

Got today’s Zen Pencils, & it was too perfect not to share.  If you aren’t familiar with Zen Pencils, which you should be, it’s “a cartoon blog which adapts inspirational quotes into comic stories“.  I like that he shows a fat dude getting out there & doing it, even though everyone says he can’t.  This is his second use of the running man.  Mr. Man starts running here.

This is just a little snippet, not even half of the entire comic, so if you like what you see, go check it out in its entirety.  It’s also much bigger over there.

For those sensitive to food & weight issues, he doesn’t get skinny, but he does lose some weight.  He also throws out the junk food* & starts juicing.  However, that is not the case in the first one.  He begins running to get out of a funk & make himself feel better.

*Never throw out perfectly good food, even if it’s junk food.  Give it to someone, donate it to a food pantry, something.  There are too many people hungry out there for you to be tossing stuff in the garbage because you don’t want to eat it.  You might think eating transfats & corn syrup whatevers is evil, but they are still healthier than starving. archer deal with it